Visualize Knowledge Graphs using cytoscape.js

Ishan Mehta
3 min readNov 6, 2022


What is a Knowledge Graph?

The heart of the knowledge graph is a knowledge model: a collection of interlinked descriptions of concepts, entities, relationships, and events.

A sample knowledge graph :

A sample knowledge graph. Source: [1]

In this article, I will share a way to visualize knowledge graph data on the browser using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

We will be using the library to create the knowledge graph diagram.

Following is the data.json which we will use which represents the entities and relations in the knowledge graph

"entities": [
{"label": "Organization", "title": "Neuralink"},
{"label": "Organization", "title": "SpaceX"},
{"label": "Organization", "title": "Pretoria"},
{"label": "Organization", "title": "The Boring Company"},
{"label": "Organization", "title": "University of Pretoria"},
{"label": "Organization", "title": "Stanford University"},
{"label": "Person", "title": "Jeff Bezos"},
{"label": "Organization", "title":"University of Pennsylvania"},
{"label": "Person", "title": "Kimbal Musk"},
{"label": "Organization", "title": "Tesla, Inc."},
{"label": "Person", "title": "Elon Musk"}
"relations": [
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "Neuralink"},
{"source": "Tesla, Inc.","target": "Elon Musk","type": "owned by"},
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "University of Pennsylvania", "type": "residence"},
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "Tesla, Inc.","type": "owned by"},
{"source": "The Boring Company", "target": "Tesla, Inc.", "type": "owned by"},
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "Kimbal Musk", "type": "sibling"},
{"source": "University of Pennsylvania", "target": "Elon Musk", "type": "residence"},
{"source": "The Boring Company", "target": "Neuralink", "type": "subsidiary"},
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "University of Pretoria", "type": "work location"},
{"source": "The Boring Company", "target": "Elon Musk", "type": "owned by"},
{"source": "Kimbal Musk", "target": "Elon Musk", "type": "sibling"},
{"source": "Neuralink", "target": "Elon Musk", "type": "owned by"},
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "The Boring Company", "type": "owned by"},
{"source": "Elon Musk", "target": "University of Pennsylvania", "type": "work location"

CDN link to get the Cytoscape library


  1. Read the data.json
import data from './data.json' assert { type: 'json' };
const knowledge_graph_json = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data));

2. Create nodes and edges array as per the representation needed by the Cytoscape library

var nodes = []
var edges = []
for (const index in knowledge_graph_json['entities']) {
data: {id: knowledge_graph_json['entities'][index]['title']}
for (const index in knowledge_graph_json['relations']) {
data: {
id: index,
source: knowledge_graph_json['relations'][index]['source'],
target: knowledge_graph_json['relations'][index]['target'],
label: knowledge_graph_json['relations'][index]['type'],

3. Create the ‘cytoscape’ object and style the nodes and edges.

var cy = cytoscape({
container: document.getElementById('cy'),
elements: {
nodes: nodes,
edges: edges
style: [
selector: 'node',
style: {
"text-valign" : "center",
"text-halign" : "center",
"label": 'data(id)',
"width" : 100,
"height" : 100
selector: 'edge',
style: {
'width': 5,
'line-color': 'light grey',
'target-arrow-color': 'grey',
'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle',
'curve-style': 'bezier',
'label': 'data(label)'

Run the ‘cytoscape’ object giving a layout type. ‘cose’ layout works well with visualizing knowledge graphs.

cy.layout({name: 'cose'}).run();

Other layout types

  • preset
  • random
  • grid
  • circle
  • concentric
  • breadthfirst
  • cose

Running the above will create a diagram as follows in the browser

Sample knowledge graph

Link to GitHub repository for the source code:

Few handy links to get started with Cytoscape js:

Happy Reading!




